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CEOs & Boards

Shaping a 'Best In Class Board'


Shaping a Best In-Class Board will make you and your entire organization more effective. 

As the CEO you already know the importance of the relationship between you and your Board Chair. You also realize how important it is to have the right people with the right expertise, experience and perspective. In a 2015 report from BoardSource, it says "that despite the importance of recruiting the right board members, the report found that only one in five chief executives strongly agrees that they have the right board members. And because boards have slowly shrunk over the past 20 years, it’s especially important to carefully compose the board." 

So, beginning with the end in mind, the CEO and Board Chair need to envision what a best in class board would look like for your organization. How many members would be optimal? What areas of expertise would be most helpful? What types of committees within the board would be most beneficial? As part of this process, we will build a Board Profile designed to identify and recruit the right members and their levels of diversity as it relates to experience and perspective.

Next, we would build a Board Recruitment Process to guide the way you, as the CEO, and certain members of your Board, would go about recruiting new members.

There is also the important issue of governance. Board members need to be clear and in agreement as to the parameters of authority, at the Board Level, Committee level, and most importantly the CEO level. Often boards have a tendency to micro manage the CEO, the strategy and execution, even staff members. Together, we will guide the Board into agreement on how to set parameters in these (and other) areas of responsibility. When this occurs, Boards become the enablers they should be and not the obstacles they should not be.  


We will discuss the philosophy and skills of becoming a Board oriented CEO.

There is so much more to shaping and maintaining a Best In Class Board. I can help you pick and chose from the 13 Best Practices, those that are most important to you, as the CEO and the Board itself.


  • Nonprofit Board Overview

  • For Profit Board Overview

  • Board Policy Manual

  • Board Profile Builder

  • Member Recruitment Process

  • Board Self Assessments

  • more


  • CEO & Board Best Practices

  • Becoming A Board Oriented CEO

  • Introduction To A Non-profit Board 

  • Orientation & On-boarding

  • Building Your Board

  • What Makes The Best Memebrs

  • More


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